Eli and collective (CZ) contemporary dance performance for kids
Sunday, 1.9. 11:00 Big hall, Tabačka Kulturfabrik 5 – 16 €

Škatulenie invites you to a world of fantasy, in which even seemingly ordinary things turn into something extraordinary. Just open your eyes, engage your imagination, get moving and play.
What can a box represent? And what if there are more of them, they are different sizes or someone lives in them? How can we deal with them? Move, send, skip, move, rebuild or go around? How do we experience surprise? Are we curious? Can we guess what or who is inside the box? How does it sound? How heavy is it? Can we trust her with anything? Do I know where the box arrived from and how long it travelled? And where does it belong?
The performance combines dance, live music, performance, elements of improvisation and technology. It introduces children to thinking about space and architecture, the laws of physics, the transport and travel of boxes, and also the importance of wishes and dreams.
Choreography and concept: Mirka Eliášová
Dancers and creation: Jazmína Piktorová/ Jana Novorytová, Veronika Šimková/ Lucie Charouzová, Romana Packová
Musician: Václav Kalivoda/Andrea La Rose
Electroacoustic music, sound direction, interactive props: Jiří Jakl
Lighting design and video: Pavel Havrda
Production: Romana Packová, HTSpE
Co-production: Ponec Theatre
Supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council. It was supported by the City of Košice and Creative Industry Košice.