Pecha Kucha Night
Východné pobrežie (SK) presentations
Piatok, 30.8. 20:20 Garden cinema

Pecha Kucha Night directed by Východné pobrežie regularly opens the Move Fest Košice festival and this year will be no different.
During the evening, performing artists, associations and also the organizers of the festival themselves will present their activities. Each author has 20 images available and each image shines on the screen for 20 seconds.
The format of Pecha Kucha Night was conceived and realized in 2003 in Tokyo by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. Pecha Kucha Night has spread to more than 1,200 cities in the world and the capital of the East Coast, Košice.

Supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council. It was supported by the City of Košice and Creative Industry Košice.